2011年5月27日 星期五

Career Change - 7 Tips For Survival

What do you do when you are dealing with a career change or shift?

If you have been downsized? Have lost your job due to a company merger? Are feeling misery and complacency in a career lacking in passion?

Then I say, "You are knee deep in shift(TM)" in your career!

Sometimes, we just get "signs" from God, Spirit, The Universe, whatever you want to call it. We know it is time to move on in our career, but we feel stuck. We need the money. We do not have the energy to update our resume and do a job search. We are exhausted already!

When these feelings are very prevalent in your life, it is time for a career change or shift. If you do not take action when you are feeling these feelings, you may suddenly experience a job loss, unexpectedly.

Based on the principles of the Law of Attraction, what you put out comes back to you. Sometimes you may be thinking that you need a break from work and you are fantasizing about leaving your job. If you do not take action to voluntarily do something about it, then the action may just happen to you! That is the Law of Attraction showing up, responding to your thoughts.

What do you do, if all of a sudden, you are hit with a job loss, a company downsize or a blatant firing... or maybe you just decide to walk out and quit?

Here are 7 initial tips to deal with the career change:

Tip 1. Although it is very difficult to do, try really hard not to get into the 'blame game' and become a victim. That puts you into an extremely dis-empowered state.

Tip 2. Do something that you have wanted to do for a long time, that you did not have the time, or did not take the time to do. Something that brings you joy and uplifts your spirit.

Tip 3. While it is important to allow yourself to feel your feelings around what happened, do your best not to wallow in them. Look at the bright side, you have a new journey ahead of you. Even though you may experience a lot of fear and anxiety around your career shift, trust that it happened for a reason, a "higher purpose" is waiting for you. Believe and trust in that!

Tip 4. Write down things in a journal or on a piece of paper that you know you do really well. Take an inventory of some stories in your last job or other jobs of 'how good/talented you were' in certain situations. Focus on your gifts and talents. We all have a few things that we shine at, what are yours?

Tip 5. Do some extreme self-care to help you heal. If you have some extra money, go get a massage or to a spa and get a few treatments. A massage, body wrap or facial can put you into a "heavenly state" and relieve a lot of stress. Spas are not for women, men deserce to be pampered too!

Tip 6. Depending on your financial situation, you can take a real break or you may need to get that resume updated and brush up on your job hunting skills. The book, "What Color is Your Parachute" by Richard Nelson Bolles is a wonderful book you can buy or get at the library, that can provide you with many insights into your next area(s) of career shift.

Tip 7. Hang around people who really care about you. If you are really down, ask them to help you figure out some of your gifts and talents. Sometimes we need to be uplifted by others who look at us with loving eyes vs. listening to our own self-recriminations!

What is most important is to not crawl up in bed, under the covers and wallow in your misery. It is human nature to want to do that, and you may do it for a little while. But, do not allow yourself to do it for very long. It will keep you stuck and not able to move forward. Pull yourself up by the boot straps to get up and get out!

You have special talents and gifts that you were given to bring to the world. If you have not used them at your fullest potential, the time is now. It is time for your career shift to give you the opportunity to shine in your magnificence! Yes, we all embody magnificence. It is up to you to find the gift(s) in your shift and move on to bigger and better things!

Believe you can and you will!

All the best in your career shifts,

To receive "free" Shift Soulyoutions TM which are revolutionary shift coaching tools and tips I invite you to go to the Shift Coach website at http://careershiftcoach.com/ These free tools and tips will help guide and support you through your process of career change. You may also check out the Shift Coach~Shift and Uplift blog at http://shiftcoach.com/blog/ to check out more articles about how to handle shifts while going through your career change. All the best in your career shifts,

Christina Carpentier

Master Shift Coach
Specialing in career shift coaching for people desiring career change...NOW!
~in Business~in Life~in Spirit

