2011年4月30日 星期六

Panel examines military occupation

Harvard College, a progressive Jewish Alliance and j Street at the Harvard-on campus political groups, in promoting peace and security in Israel--hosted a panel last night featuring four American and Israeli soldiers in a discussion of military occupation and its impact.

Held at Harvard Hillel, included a panel On ' aman, Oded and Simcha Levental from broke the silence, the Organization of veterans with experience in Israel of the occupied territories, as well as Joczovym Blaine and now the Iraq veterans against the war, Goodnight.

After a five-minute video showing the daily operations of the Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint in the West Bank into an hour-long interview speakers, moderated by Zara b. Bohan, Harvard graduate student in the Middle East Studies works with J Street U.

"I joined the army, it would be me, but I found out that serving on the Western Shore is actually the opposite of who I am," he said to ' aman, which is also a graduate student at Harvard in philosophy.

All of the speakers focused on the differences between public perceptions of military involvement and the harsh reality of any occupation.

"People really don't know what we're doing here," said Levental. "Through our personal story and brings to the Israeli and the American public, we can go back to our true values and values on which we founded."

"Focus only on security, Israel is to give up a large part of what is a good place," he said to ' aman. "We've lost as the military culture of our humanity."

The discussion also highlighted the ways in which the occupying military power tend to dehumanize their enemies in the conflict.

"In the profession, there is inequality of power, both sides plunge into fear," he said, good night. "Things are desperate and the first thing you lose when it's a desperate is your humanity."

Blaine echoed good night when its service experience.

"[There 's] a deliberate effort, even from basic training to dehumanize the enemy," said Blaine. "It was a system designed to stop us."

Speakers also affects the permanent consequences of their participation in the army.

"You get the feeling that it is an order to civilian life," he said to ' aman. "Lose the sense of law and the law that may have authority over you."

Approximately 75 people turned out for the event audience mainly consisting of Cambridge residents and graduate students.

"I learned a lot from watching their reaction," said James d. Reich, Harvard Ph.d. student and member of the j Street at Harvard. "It was a really emotional and insightful event."

View the original article here

2011年4月29日 星期五

Small employment difficult concert

As a teen in the 1990s, I spent an hour or two, requesting projects and there is a proposal in one week. Marquetta Cooper wishes, is easy. "I'm trying to find a job for a long time now," says 18-year-old from. Coon Rapids. She has been searching for a retail position for more than one year, hoping that it is something with the summer so it can pay for school supplies this Autumn.

Unfortunately for Cooper and many teens like it, the employment Outlook for 16-to 19-year-olds is terrible and has been since the economic downturn hit.

Last year, teens experience the worst in the labour market, with 1949 unemployment rate of 25 percent nationwide, and 21% rate in Minnesota. Because of the generally high unemployment inexperienced teens find themselves jockeying with the most recent college grads and mature, unemployed for basic concerts burgers for roasting and folding clothing.

Summer 2011 forms to be more of the same. "These statistics are really much more downbeat than they ever have been," says Oriane Casale, the Ministry of employment and economic development of Minnesota. "Many youth are simply won't find a full or even permanent part-time work this summer."

The data show teenagers will have better luck with seasonal employers, such as landscaping companies and amusement parks, or in the growing health care sector, than they will in retail trade, manufacturing and construction.

Yes, it seeks bezradostno there. But this does not mean you cannot earn money this summer. Start your search for a job, while snow is still on the ground. "Get there before the 20 other people go there," says Jerry Vitzthum, Director of the Centre for the training of Anoka County.

Network with friends and family, offers a Marcus Griffin, business teacher in Paradise Prairie high school. Research are you hoping to work for business. When you shake the hand of someone, it seems this person in the eye. Also dress for success. "This does not mean appears to work in the subway from a room with three color, but dress in a suitable manner. Leave the holey jeans at home, "he said.

If your pavement-pounding does not pan, create your own summer job mowing lawns, Watching or organize a garage sales. There are many resources out there to help, by a young entrepreneur page at www.score.org to summer activities such as junior entrepreneurs of Minnesota program from the University of Minnesota.

See if you qualify for the youth project programme, are usually reserved for teens with special needs or who come from low-income families. But this is difficult to obtain in these programs, too. To trust the tree, youth employment Corps for teens living in Dakota, Washington, d.c. and Suburban Hennepin counties. The program hired 1,200 young people--including the Cooper-in 2009, when the stimulus funding helps the feet of the account. This year, tree trust Felecia Schmidt expects at least 2 500 teens apply for 550 positions. "This is horrible. In fact I hate saying these numbers aloud, "she says. Similar scenarios are playing statewide, leaving too many teens aimless all summer. And this is before the proposed cuts in public funding as lawmakers seek to balance the budget.

If money must-have, spend time developing your skills for job search. Vitzthum encourages teens to use the centres for the training of job by classes to interviewing practice and to establish a solid resume. Tammy Dickinson, Director of the step-up programme for projects of the summer in Minneapolis paid traineeship programme, which receives more than 500 this year, says applicants to keep the resumes of one page, to check for misspellings and run to the final product of adultYou can search for large gaps.

And finally, consider spending the summer Volunteering or working an unpaid. Both look great in college applications. Long-term, a college degree will improve your prospects for employment and increase your earnings potential. "More and more, education is, what matters in force," says Casale.

Spending time applying for scholarships for College, opened on sites like www.fastweb.com and www.brokescholar.com can facilitate financial difficulties work free of charge.

Kara Mcguire ‧ 612-673-7293 or kmcguire@startribune.com. It followed on Twitter: @ kablog

View the original article here

2011年4月28日 星期四

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The road to success in finding a job can Paved with network error.

Networking is about building relationships, not just to create a list, but the development of trust among the people who take up today. Job Networking can be broken down into two issues. Preparation and operation Let's look at an area where people make mistakes frequently asked questions:


"Failing to plan is planning to fail"

To start - does not have to wait until you empty it before you start networking. Start now and never stop. Are using today will save countless hours of pain and suffering later.

Material - these are business activities, and should give priority in their work on the same level. A business card to bio and resume good people. Each of these documents is the place for a small notepad, or a sheet of "post-its" is also useful for those pieces that unexpected data.

Who you are - that all meetings, you will need to provide short positioning/brand statement that tells people to speak with people who you are. What you are looking for and the value that you imported the practice tables. Practice and training This is the key to comfort in front of the audience.

To avoid the shyness - people we find groups intimidating and sometimes difficult are provided a list of questions that will help you break the ice, and if you see someone acting like a wallflower, to talk with them. After all, you know how they feel?

Target companies - can tell people that they can give you is very important and have prepared a list of targets to help you at every road.

Activities and - all of this activity is drug what if you can't keep track of what you do. People that you know and the information you have shared, remember that your network is very important and should include details of everyone who can provide you with some of the contacts that you are unaware of. Nobody is too important to be included.


Dress and actions section - no matter when you attend a networking event is one in one or a group, you must present yourself as a true negotiation dressed appropriately and treat everyone as you would expect to be considered, which is to say with respect and courtesy.

, And get - you will have to learn and help even though he was never a relationship only should reflect at least both sides. Anyone remember when someone said thanks for the help they. People often need help if you have the opportunity.

Time shared - meeting of the group are often controlled by the clock and take too much does not respect or fair to others in this group are also available with pre and post Conference session discussions. The monopolizing time each one took the opportunity for others. Do not spend much time talking about yourself enormous involving others in discussions. Questions and reflect attention to others.

Follow up - meeting people is the first step in the process of creating relationships and after meeting all of you should follow up with email or telephone conversations. If the thought came to mind after Events that may help others, contact and notice they are grateful and might be in a position to return the favor.

Summary, never forgot your network when you have an employment or business relationship that is strong. Unemployment generated on trust and mutual respect will last life.

Good hunting


Barry Simpson
-Successfully connect people with their career.

Follow I http://twitter.com/DBarryS.

Simpson has experienced extensive success of working with people at all levels in Fortune 500 companies and other organizations with the aim to help them land a new position and worth.

If you are looking for a new position or simply interested in managing your career bsimpson contact me at the hcss NET points.

2011年4月27日 星期三

Create a resume that is set up for your job search success.

You are creating a resume that will land you well? If you are writing a resume, but not the target of optimization, and then you make yourself a great disservice you can and will find the most appropriate of you, but you will need to put in the sweat to job your work. Create a resume that does not show the power of you do great injustice not only legally. But also keep you on the path of the expectations that are realistic ladies failure.

I am sure that if you are unemployed now and tickets are very difficult to resist starting deposit will apply for any job that comes. However, you must resist this temptation. Consider the concerns of your boss. What your boss will think when she walked into the offices of you and ask you to do this is quite simple for candidates that have properties that make it but you won't be able to accomplish? What will you do? when your boss to your resume and indicate that you are working on something similar before, but you can't come up with an easy answer when called upon?

Never put myself in that position, you'll never live it down. Create a resume, no exercises to see how many people you can trick. The only user, you are fooling is yourself, respect yourself about axe experiences and education, and set yourself up for success in the future. Create a resume that defines expectations realistic of your ability to help your new boss set up success in the great work of you.

William G. Shultz

Start creating a resume that WINS [http://www.squidoo.com/get-a-great-new-job] to find job success.

Also, make sure that for all other contact information, references and suggestions in order.


Find the email address of someones today and renew relationships with important network of business contacts, friends and distant relatives quickly.

Job search techniques.

Hundreds of thousands of positions received by organising last month, so the employer to hire course. If you're disappointed in the job, maybe you should rethink the plan job . Here is a recap of job.. Techniques and how to take advantage of them.

Job Board

The first thing that the job seeker has no clout for job boards. After all. It is exciting to find a position that fits you like a glove around the head is the most competitive methods, how to find a job and be a minimum of success-typically less than 5% of jobs will be filled this way, according to industry statistics that are not saying you should not use the-means only that they should not be at the heart of the job.

Start using Indeed.com or SimplyHired.com, as these are job boards, aggregators means they get from other job boards all including company Web site, so you have a single location to search. In addition, See list of Craig, a great place to search for posting within and not used on the Internet. Yes that is right. Pull yourself out of CVS in the HR Division and use this simple technique.

For the first time. Find the key influencers, or managers who are employed, you can do this by going to LinkedIn.com and do a search of the company. When you have their name and phone number to call and say things like: "phueanbok you might be interested in someone with my background. I have (provide spacing of 2 sentences), and have a few questions for you. "

And then ask some questions that show is some homework in their company were very friendly, down to Earth and personable and creates some rapport at some point they will ask you for your resume at any point. You have now made yourself at the top of the heap and decisions across HR screeners using this technique can be the difference between being screened and observations.


Recruiters about the rate of 5-12% efficiency in securing a position for you, so you should consider whether they should be part of your plan. Here we are just talking about those paid by the employer, and I will be careful to steer clear of those who want you to pay fees for your services.

Start by considering what types of positions commonly filled in by recruiters, for example, recruiters will typically have a degree or career changers, as the employer will pay the 20-30% a year of hefty compensation you first as the fee for your search. Entry level people find easy and recruiter will be no more career changer is to subscribe if they have no track record in the field.

If you decide to work with recruiters use (hint: he likes us) that will present your resume to the largest of these are inexpensive and have very powerful especially in saving you time, please remember that recruiters in California can search for candidates in Texas to limit the search.


Networking is King of to find a jobing as it's always over 50% performance rate, especially in this market. Networking should be at the heart of the plan to find your employer most wants to hire people they called them by comparison with stranger. Networking is fun is applied through desktop and need more discipline to manage, but the difference is not only in the rate of performance but also in the quality of the work you receive.

Most people think that networking is sharing your resume with friends and at home, but this is the worst thing you can do that, you just lost control of the process as you wait for the phone to call the network as long as the article itself! But the following are important techniques.

Development stages "space elevator" 3 to 5 that describes who you are and why the employer should have to speak with you. Development of support materials including business cards, networking too. Additionally, verify that you have posted on the Web site LinkedIn.com, which is the top network for professionals.

At this time. Identify 5-10 companies you are interested in participating, you can use LinkedIn, which sports a search engine company that is quite stable to do this, the research companies online using great tools like Zoominfo spoke Highbeam and much more, you can easily find it. Learn more about the company as possible so you can impress the contractors.

The next step is to. Identify a person within the company, which you can do this through LinkedIn. Your task is to. Place the networks manually into the meeting, the stamp, you can make them. With knowledge of their challenges, and how you can help them start by thinking about people you know who knows someone inside the company, it would be nice if you can get to judge and is equally good if you can get a year to walk your resume into their office you step 1 in network environment.

Step 2 is to. Expand your search to other companies, remember that good networking so ask someone for advice as people are more likely to offer more than help you. Here you need to know about the industry. Company or person that you should talk to who can help you focus your efforts. How easy Busy exploring with this is the network meeting was held on a regular basis to have ads in your local paper.

At this time. Planning of if you're unemployed calling 25 people and have face-to-face meetings 3-4 per week. This is a branch comes in, but after you do this twice, it will be easier. Ask each person to whom you should talk to each other and add to your database.

In short plan job of you should have 3 main ways to contact the employer: job board. Recruiters & networking Recognition rate of different performance of the individual to secure a new position. Make sure you put the emphasis on the efforts of your network connection, please remember that although it is far less open, and then the year you just need one. Follow these steps and you will slash time job your.

Don Goodman Chairman of about (, http://wwwGotTheJob.com) is a footballer. Write a resume expert known operator Coach, professional certified and fewer than 15 people have been certified as experts in finding a job. From the Wharton School of Business and Stanford University Executive program, Don has helped thousands of people to secure their job. Read his blog http://wwwGotTheJob.com/blog/ at or contact him at 800-909-0109 or by email dgoodman@GotTheJob.com.

2011年4月26日 星期二

Online job search: without training effort.

Have you tried to find jobs online? Chances are you will try to find ways to more data than your brain can take in information overload called and direction.

You can write their own material and, writing services, you can simply get cash for comments about websites even heck you can tweet to living.

There is something else, so you can make your online job search and structured appropriately for settlement in place. You can set your rates work as freelancers get money by hours per content and even project completed. It is down to yourself what you want to do online could be out there, just you need to narrow the field down and find a job that is appropriate for you and it is an organization that has the reputation of the business platform.

If you cannot find a suitable site for work, and you can even set your own Web site. Hook up with company proceeds payment such as PayPal and set about their own business and work on your terms.

The problem with that is that you will not try to find online but you will be able to create their own business means you need to have a marketing knowledge to your business from the ground in the justice.

It is also worth noting that you even can find jobs online for other people. It is one of the first tasks I have worked as a consultant recruiting. How do I search the Internet to search online, and when the people who live within the recruitment consultancies working space found? The information will be passed to sales and marketing to follow-up on business to business. The company will find a new client to ads and interviews and refer clients for interviews only with other freelancing opportunities you can look into to create a local recruiting consultancies.

The most lucrative opportunities in the net and is easiest to start by learning some basic it skills. Website not much, but enough that you put together a basic multiple local business must be a sort of service, after all, every task must. Some services that may be useful for other people.

Anything that you can offer a service, there are probably will be made available online for it.

The possibilities are endless when you want to find jobs online. Only problem is-you don't get money when you do the job hunt. You need to find some work to do.

If there are ways that you can learn some skills that provide valuable services to people who are ready to hire you. You are interested in? Http://www.affiliatemarketingreferral.com/finding-employment-online-just-got-easier visitors, you can now the online job search and take advantage of the way "for a while you learn" to online business.

2011年4月25日 星期一

Feel like job failure or not go Underground

"I feel like a failure at term. have done everything that I know? From everything I've read about finding and all suggestions from friends, school careers office and online site ... has been a month now and I have to subscribe to all tasks, and applies to all open that I found in the States of New England 6, NY and NJ, and I'm jobless still appears to not have that? "

You have everything ... really? In addition to communicating with your colleagues Post a job and career fairs ... what else are you doing? Ongoing research with you because of the market to see directly the other side than you were last you are marketable and why do you exist? Make other words. Have you explore options, "others" (not just the local Burger shops)? Consider the various avenues or tools that you use is maximized on that available for you. Do you honestly know all that is available, you will help open opportunities and decision-makers.

You see, many people do think that all they can do, but you will be surprised how much you could do you think reviewing company that went through the last mergers acquisitions and divestitures for example there are all useful for potential future opportunities or employment pattern unfolding considered as 3 to 5 months after the merger ... after the system and individuals included duplication was cut off and now the organization is preparing to re-emerge when you need to make contact. After a "help wanted" go up and everyone know by browsing in childhood and demonstrating "your brand"-you know you only value-style skills blended (expertise in core values. Education et al.)-you are in a unique position to offer your own and edit some of the personal needs of their forward. I called "go underground"

There are lots of these "opportunities" and numerous avenues for uncovering them: the emergence of new markets. Apply for product leadership vacuums Board level changes of the IPO and LBO of relocations and much more. If you have the wind on the company relocating from the railway Central PA speaking, it is likely many folks will not sell a house in this market by losses and move the company to provide a new opportunity is going to be rather wait relo to occur and must compete with a new idea. Get in now-again. Ahead of the crowd. Most people will make all you can do with everyone they know, but they know how it all ... really does go Underground is more of a chance?

Just specify If I go to the Court for a serious thing. I will probably not go to the first law schools, or even many legitimate bone-I get a lawyer will not you (not my own coaching teeth OK ... the slightly silly to know) I didn't mean as a harsh but for workingers, most don't know heck of a lot about the art and science that are joband rarely do they get underground, but there is no work and no lack of opportunities for them to go underground.

As a serious legal problem or pain with your teeth. The results were deeply is that unlike your career search? The results will affect everything in your life. The quality of your life and that of your loved ones ... And for that, the hoot about you right at the profound ... and your health, it affects your health: taking the hit, such as quantity and your confidence is waning with free advice. Here and everywhere else but there are some people who need special assistance that pull it together. You may be one or don't think about it, and maybe for this round, you can get some assistance and go underground.

Rob Taub MBA, CCM and veteran 24 years in Sun Life consultant team leader field RLS Executive Group N.E. for RL Stevens Bruce Associates and also the creator and primary ResumePro Plus Rob is also a dad. Her husband, Grandpa, and teacher Coach marketer and employer

Guide to finding jobs for graduates.

There are currently more graduates than ever before and the number of candidates competing for a single task to more important than ever for the graduates to find jobs. However, with thousands of new jobs that are looking to join the millions already in the market. What does graduated new need to do to stand out and land that dream job.

Here are some tips for top graduate that marked their market:

Firstly you need to have your homework is a recent graduate, you should be using to do this, but this time with a bit differences. Use your skills to education opportunities in fields that interest you and make sure you know what is happening in the market now work with recruitment agencies, it's a good idea, but don't just stop there as an offense and research company's website and submit your resume, although they did not have any meaning, make sure that you prepare your resume for each company, as it shows your attention to detail, it may take a long time, but may be protected.

Sometimes it is not just what you know but who you know. Ask around to see if you can find the person you want to be employed by the company. A friend of a friend or family member may be a way to contact any company that you work for. Forward as an efficient way of getting your foot in the door.

Although most graduates to work for a large company with a strong brand that is not always possible. Small companies with medium is often made to hire as much now, so you may stand a chance to further these goals by. Employers of small companies tend to be available to you, and often make decisions faster than small companies, so don't rule it out.

Make sure you are tracking every term used in preparing for interviews, one cannot help you land one, always, so put the effort in if you spot opportunities don't leave it too late to apply to positions that cannot be filled according to the time you get around.

Make use of all resources around you. Visit the Faculty professional consultant and happy graduates to make sure that you understand completely what is options out there most of the company will make a significant investment to attend these fairs are they serious about finding talent. Enthusiastic young people.

Remember that every career begin with just because you have to start over on the career ladder than you hoped did not mean that you should feel disheartened. Start low to that company, you must be really more often, valuable financial and long term, growth in occupations.

Know the job is not necessarily linear process and even if you don't succeed. Don't be afraid to show yourself for other opportunities. In addition, Asks for the feed back from your interviews. According to this data can contain information valuable to hear constructive criticism can help you determine what you have and you didn't do anything right.

Do not cut jobs because there are no full time. Of course, full-time work is over. Sometimes working part-time in the right environment is the best way to mark on the company. Use to your advantage and work in more than one company in order to expand your skills and experience.

Temporary location often can bring to the position permanently, so don't let this make you turn and if results are temporarily used to connect most and valuable experience.

Jason Kay as writer professional resume He allocates to work with magazines and websites such as JobGoRound.com which gave instructions to resume and ongoing reviews of the software..

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2011年4月23日 星期六

Search jobs-top 10 ways to find a job today.

Finding a job for yourself after you are done with your scholarship was tough job a few years ago. Although perfection is increased during the year. Finding a job is not to push. Easy to find great jobs now than it ever was. Thanks to the Internet.

You need to be installed with all the latest technical for job're so grab it quick! If you stick with the old technique of lifetime employment, it is really difficult for you. Read on to find out about the latest Findinging techniques.

Some steps that will help you find a job:

Networking: this added in contacts that may exist in your professional life as fruitful as we all are aware of the benefits of social networking. It can be made through social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc, but across the age old technique of networking related contacts. Try to expand the number of people you know Many people get to make use of the network. Networking can take you long to get to work.

Use the Search. : Upload your resume in the key work website, as well as Monster Com, and more. You will be flooded with offered a position in which you can select many companies recruit from the Search..

Make an advertisement that appeared in the daily newspaper: features of advertisements in newspaper classified advertising, use of these and applies to company, you may end up grabbing proposals.

Make use of social media when you are looking for a job: many companies to advertise on social network sites and recruit applicants. Therefore, make full use of these ads. Caution while managing your accounts on these Web sites. Pictures naked post status messages can be issued vibe to the employer, and you may lose out on opportunities.

Visit now work: multiple steps. will be held, which serve as good platforms for exposure. Students receive matching employer and also know about information related to jobjob fairs a good architecture for map levels etc. Summer search, many people from these fares.

Learn. good: you need to create your resume so employers are impressed. Many jobs require different types of resume, so you must write in a way to identify your company's needs.

Registered in employment agencies: they help you out.

Used for through the ads appear in the Web site.

Can't leave any stones unturned: tap every door you never know what's clicking?

Keep in mind you: stay motivated and you inevitably get.

To learn how to find and access to thousands of job listings, please http://www.hound.com visits Silas Reed Writer for trouble writing articles that tell and teach about various job profiles and instructions to subscribe.

Job search: think outside the box

Hey guys, we'll go back to change our status from injuries.

Job according to the common causes for depression, which we need to avoid obvious causes. People always talk about "black hole"- This mysterious place, where you continue and are not heard of again. Last month, and officials fear, silence and promote development is concerned can be.

At this time. What I suggest you do is. Expand your boundaries Thinking outside the box

1. do not use for the work you've done before. You have your entries will not work and your dream job and you have an approximate salary that you want to survive. Here is your interval: enter the search conditions of salary and are not included, you will not run anything is fair game.

2. search engines all use, such as indeed.com or careerjet.com with no geographical requirements, think outside the box-people don't think to move the country or even the State, but if your dream job somewhere on a tropical island and package very interesting for relocation presentation? Considering the number of less competition you face here with a lot of people are afraid to move the location of.

3. think of your specific skills and tools find conditionally again without limit by location, you will find very interesting results I count.

4. don't forget you have other skills that most English-you are the owner. If you do not hold yesterday's. You can teach in any part of the world. Last I heard as the heat islands in Thailand is very popular. And South Korean language school paid very handsomely ($ 1000-2000 per month for a start). If you spend months and months to find a job in the US, why not take a break and go to Asia this year. -You keep some cash and travel in the region.

5. consideration for young outside us if your partner is in the same position as you, and feel scary or bad enough to be used elsewhere. An eco-resort housekeeping tasks or luxury hotels around the world that offer the full package. -Salary, accommodation and food. There are teaching jobs for lovers.

6. in the end, but no less remote job search over the Internet. With many small businesses, which employ around on short-term contract basis as his Secretary, project manager, copywriter translator. Web Developer, etc via the Web with websites such as Elance.com or oDesk.com and plenty of others to help you start.

Remember Sickness benefit is large, you have time to start. Find a career for yourself, just grab the chance heroically and will change your life.

Http://jobless.freeofworry.org/lost-my-job/job-search-box/ for more information about me and my fight with depression please http://jobless.freeofworry.org.

2011年4月22日 星期五

Inside Job

Inside JobAs he did with the occupation of Iraq in No End in Sight, Charles Ferguson shines a light on the global financial crisis in Inside Job. Accompanied by narration from Matt Damon, Ferguson begins and ends in Iceland, a flourishing country that gave American-style banking a try--and paid the price. Then he looks at the spectacular rise and cataclysmic fall of deregulation in the United States. Unlike Alex Gibney's fiscal films, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room and Casino Jack, Ferguson builds his narrative around dozens of players, interviewing authors, bank managers, government ministers, and even a psychotherapist, who speaks to a culture that encourages Gordon Gekko-like behavior, but the number of those who declined to comment, like Alan Greenspan, is even larger. Though the director isn't as combative as Michael Moore, he asks tough questions and elicits squirms from several participants, notably former Treasury secretary David McCormick and Columbia dean Glenn Hubbard, George W. Bush's economic adviser. Their reactions are understandable, since the borders between Wall Street, Washington, and the Ivy League dissolved years ago; it's hard to know who to trust when conflicts of interest run rampant. If Ferguson takes Reagan and Bush to task for tax cuts that benefit the wealthy, he criticizes Clinton for encouraging derivatives and Obama for failing to deliver on the promise of reform. And in the category of unlikely heroes: former governor Eliot Spitzer, who fought against fraud as New York's attorney general (he's the subject of Gibney's documentary Client 9). --Kathleen C. Fennessy

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2011年4月21日 星期四

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Bullet dodging age (and other discrimination) in the search.

The employer is willing to accept it, but discrimination occurs at any time during the search for a candidate to fill the open position. Most applicants do not know if there is, every step of the way the employer can ' secret tips from the employer in the future about personal attributes.

Sometimes The employer is not like what they see as a variety of personal biases and this can lead to store that file ' callous ' rounds of resume input your resume document at the bottom of the pile or worse in the garbage can. The employer some shrug off dump of CVS in this fashion by saying "anything. No, I never received anything from you ... sorry ... "

This type of discrimination is difficult to prove exactly.

Last I met one-on-one with nearly 50 members at the WEC to discuss their resume in Vancouver, BC and ignore about their age. It seems to many people. For a wide array of reasons. Searching the deck stacked cards and what they don't know what is said in their brief history is what is holding them back from the next level of process filter.

A little more time but you need to make a ' middle ' of the resume of the status of those red to remove those barriers. Here are some important tips to consider to help avoid any age or type of questions that may be employer reading your resume before you are selected for interview:

Beware 1) of the ' email ' is a silly email social good, feel free to make it but you find jobs email PROFESSIONAL (and don't forget to check if you need to create a new one). Use your name and do not need to enter a number that may include your age. End of the year you were born or what year you do not enter secondary education, any data about personal interests, which can be a tip from the boss, it's easy, and professional and if you have a general name, such as Sue Smith create email, suesmith12345 service provider, your email, it will make a world of difference in the understanding of the employer of your professional.

2) only up to 15 years (up to 20) of working experience. Fifteen-year experience of sweet spot, so if you can find some type of ' point '. In any location within the same employer or with another company, you want to break away from your experience that records tasks and try the page. The employer is not relevant to what the sales figures in 1984 right.

3) do not list your academic year the school is similar to the broadcast of a certain age you ... even if employees are motivated and are now students encore love out there as a student college age 21 new year minted.

4) watch your words "Seasoned" (over-used) and "Mature" is not a friend of you think about it. .. You must have an employer that focuses on things you can do it do it.

5) Volunteering/affiliation can help you ... and they can hurt you. Most people that volunteer or member of ongkrokratham respect for them and feel that this particular relevance or have helped to contribute to the community, but if you're volunteering for weblogs.us · political groups and the employer to read CVS see this notation and the affinities of their fall on the exact opposite end of the spectrum.

6) show progress traction and occupation by continuing professional development, aggressively. When you stop being a learner you left yourself in dead water. Display of your engagement in occupations and industries. By taking advantage of the opportunity to develop professionally at many out there that can enhance knowledge only.

Uh oh ... is to resume your file around.

CVS is the usual suspect PROFESSIONAL that can lead to discrimination, including factors such as religion. Political affiliation, age, race and nationality, gender, preferences, are stored in this document ... even your health. This is a specific example: one customer of volunteered Lance Armstrong "LiveStrong" and furthermore Susan B. Komen Race for the cure ... both noble cause right from the employer see stood one of the listed. But the Organization related to cancer, they may stop ... that is motivated by the test's bout of cancer? Stop think boss, which can be a liability in a large healthcare I don't want to manage ...

.., CVS is tossed into the garbage.

Point to the employer the wrongful assumption but personal about candidates all the time based on what people tell them on their resume ... biases. These unfair they incorrectly to extremely difficult to prove

Store your resume 's that do not have to do with your ability to work ... unless they are particularly relevant to the work that you're using, why do you not know what to think, and what may set them off, so the groups and organizations that you are a member or volunteer with limited to RELEVANT to your line, your closest to the next level of the process filter.

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2011年4月20日 星期三

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2011年4月19日 星期二

Online recruitment-job search strategies of the modern State.

History of Job Search

Online recruitment started almost the same time in the USA and in England in the early 90's with providers like Monster.com in the USA, Jobserve.com in the UK and Allstarjobs.ca (started in 1997). A job bank at that time merely had a few thousand of open job positions and the chance of putting employers in touch with jobseekers was quite remote.

Since those early days, we have seen an explosion of job search sites and the technology has improved a lot for the benefit of both, recruiters and jobseekers. Nowadays, typing "Job Search" in search fields of Google or Yahoo, you get millions of pages dealing with this subject.

Now we have a new problem: how not to get lost in this jungle of ultimate Career and Job Search Services (of which many require an inscription fee). What do we really want? Using the Internet in first place has the advantage of speed and the possibility to look in any geographical area for the required job that the candidate is qualified for, or aspires to. With the Internet installed at home, it is possible to investigate the potential employers, ask questions and apply for the position, without even taking off your pajamas.

How do we explain the recent evolution in online recruitment technology? Even if you feel relatively satisfied with the current search offerings of top job search engines like Monster.com, Careerbuilder.com or Hotjobs.com, there are still many doors open for improvements and a lot of research is going on in the field of vertical engines, meaning-based search, intent-driven search, new clustering methods, and much more.

All-in-One Job Search Engines

A recent trend in job search engines is the emergence of all-in-one or metasearch engines (sometimes also referred as vertical job search engines), allowing jobseekers to search across multiple websites. Among the most popular engines are Indeed (in the USA), Wowjobs (in Canada) and Trovit (in the UK).

Probably the most powerful of all is Indeed, which was founded by Paul Forster and his partner Rony Kahan in the year 2004 to cover the US job market. According to Hitwise data, Indeed saw its market share increase by 302% in the year 2006 and this was only the beginning. The success of Indeed and other metasearch or all-in-one search engines is the fact that job seekers can go to one place to find all jobs, overcoming the limitation of the job boards, which have a finite number of listings. A simple comparison of mayor job search engines reveals that there is no need any more to look in all the individual engines to find the best fits for the job you are looking for. There are more job sites than you can count, ranging from the top job sites like Monster and CareerBuilder to small, niche sites in just about every career field you can imagine. Meta job search engines like Indeed or Wowjobs are searching in more than 1200 engines at a time and brings you the result in seconds on your screen. With a couple of clicks of your mouse, you search the major job sites, company sites, associations, and other online job sites by keyword and location to get job listings that match the criteria you selected. With it's high-tech search strategy, Indeed clearly leaves behind other so-called meta-job search engines like Jobster and SimpyHired. With Wowjobs and Trovit, metasearch engines focused on the Canadian and UK job market respectively, the situation is very similar.

Posting your resume in Recruitment Services

A developing trend with both jobs search engines and jobs boards is that many now encourage users to post their resume or CV together with contact details. The fact is, it`s proven that posting your resume in a proactive way in the mayor resume distribution systems will put it on the desk of hundreds of recruiters and can more than double the chance of getting a job!

The advantages of Resume Posting are:

- You more than double your chance of getting "discovered" by a recruiter who is looking for a person with exactly your experience and abilities.

- You put your resume in the hands of hundreds of recruiters, almost instantly!

- You are sending your resume only to recruiters focusing on your specific industry or job categories.

- You save a lot of time and money and you get an instant edge - with only little effort from your part!

- Your resume is passing a pre-selection system and when it comes on the desk of hiring managers they will read it very carefully.

Resume posting has become an attractive business for the recruitment companies as they sell the access to their resume bank to headhunters and recruiting managers. Anyhow, jobseekers should be aware of the risks of uploading personal information to the Internet since they have no control over what will happen with their data and their resume might be seen by their current employer or even by "identity thefts".

Take a breath and slow down
The question is still if all the improvements in search technology also improved the overall performance of recruitment efforts. Finding a job still is hard work. It is very helpful to slow down, take time, and analyze if you are happy with your current situation and what career is really right for you. In our modern world, the best job success is earning good money with work that gives you a sense of purpose, expresses your talents and passions, and is consistent with your values. A lack of many Job Search Sites is that they do not assist the jobseekers in finding their best career fit and even confusing people in trying to evaluate their current situation. Job searching is a short-term pursuit of a position that matches your financial and career goals. Career planning is a long, progressive process of choosing education, training, and jobs that fit your interests and skills. This planning process also includes the evaluation of career change or self-employment opportunities. Deciding what type of work you want to pursue requires knowledge and understanding of your interests, your values, your motivation, and the skills you enjoy using the most. This is helpful whether you are choosing a career for the first time or changing careers for the twenty-first time.

One aspect that even the most powerful Job Search engine cannot cover is the fact that probably the majority of job vacancies are never posted in journals, newspapers or on-line and you only find them using the right contacts or your Network.

This "hidden job market" only can be exploited by keeping focus on people who have experiences, and contacts that might be interesting for you.

Good possibilities to build up your Network, are for example job fairs or similar events where you meet hiring managers, job lead sources and other valuable contacts.

Using state-of-the art job search engines, online recruitment has become a powerful tool for a fast, efficient and economical job search and the performance is improving constantly. But every jobseeker should be aware of the fact that even the most powerful job search engine should be considered only as a single tool in the Job Search Strategy and that still most jobs are found using personal Networks. Finding a job is all about people, the people you know, and people you meet who have the job information and who will inevitably help you get a job. Online Job Search using all-in-one or metasearch engines definitely makes life much easier but should not be overestimated.


1) Two-Approach Job Search Guide - 2ajobguide.com
2) David Hurst,Chairman - ORMC, 2004
3) Joel Cheesman's Blog, "Craigslist puts smackdown on verticals", October 19, 2006.
4) INTERNET Inc, "Job Search Verticals - The List", October 5, 2006.
5) Read/WriteWeb, "Search 2.0 - What's Next?", December 13, 2006.

About the Author

Oswald J. Eppers, PhD is manager of the consulting firm E&R InterConsult and founder of the Two-Approach Guide for easy and effective Job Searching and Career Assessment. He has more than 10 years experience as freelance consultant in the field of outsourcing, environmental and quality management.

2011年4月18日 星期一

Your Survival Kit finds: don't leave home without.

Picture this: you're in shop grocery Stuck in line behind a gentleman who paid for the $ 100 worth of groceries in all pennies you beat up a conversation with a woman behind you. Search for the Manager, she is employed by the company in your dream and guess what: she wants to take you in for an interview, but you're caught red-handed. Without your business card and the time you get on first page. You lose and then you write her number on the back of the receipt crinkled.

Sounds familiar? it whenever you are on the job opportunities of spring when you least expect it next time. Can't catch unprepared new chutrot there you can take with you anywhere and everywhere you have material you want to help for job you move forward.

What you want.

There is a salvation that I keep in my car, perfect for any type of Highway emergency: flashlight jumper Jack Yang. Gloves and Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Survival Kit. job of you should be similar: should contain all the items that you want to make the network situation by various natural. These basics are good starting points:

A copy of your resume.
Most of the work delivered email their resume to these days to make it easier to forget all about printing a hard copy, but with a copy to give to help you stand out from other applicants and get your name in front of the hiring manager.

When you update your resume Print a copy of the hard disk that is granted to Mr. Alumni Friends page. Employer in the future-who you found who can help you job. One word of advice: don't use a good copy paper, letterhead, special expenses, but little of the texture and weight will help your resume stand out from the print on a laser printer if the office does not exist. Buy plastic file folder or notebook to store your resume in nothing more disheartening than a resume with a wrinkly.

Business card
Always have a hand in business even though you previously unemployed for a few minutes doing some personal card containing contact information matches the etc website, you can obtain the card box, type up quite cheaply at Kinko's or one of the community and Microsoft Word provides several templates for business cards, follow easily.

One thing that note: If you are creating your own business card, make sure that the font color and formatting to mimic your resume. If a business card and sync it to your brand that looks more professional.

For example, material
Depending on your industry, and if they try. Collecting samples to perform some tasks in the same folder as your candidate. If you are writing a freelance store copies of articles and other writing samples you can give with your resume. If you are in the non-profit sector. Put on the annual report, write to your employer. If you are a graphic design. Keep a copy of a part design to your Favorites list and them in your application.

You should keep

In an ideal world, you have the material for job you for you time, but it seems like when you most need your resume when you're in the garden with your kids and your briefcase to find? Here is where you can stash kits survival for job of you so you're prepared for every opportunity that comes to you.

In your car.
Sometimes you're headed places softball practice yoga Zoo-which not only has your briefcase lug, but of course you have to take care of you, which can be twice as expensive four-wheeled purse Stash a copy of our history, one that could get wet or SAG may. In your tool bag (if it is large enough) or are usually attached to the rear of the driver's seat.

In your gym Locker
The gymnasium is a surprisingly excellent network and when you can have your business card with you on a stairclimber (they will probably be pretty sweaty), you can store materials of stashed in your gym locker to give to any potential employer, colleagues, or clients that you found.

In your pocket.
When you can't do everything for you, your business card can result in many office supply company, leather or plastic card holders of business that will store your cards but still bright with light and easy to operate. Provide one of these in your Pocket whenever you leave the House and you will not be available for any work that you.

Noel Rozny write blog career mypathfinder two weeks for the Web site myFootpath myFootpath as a resource to help you search for schools. Professional graduate programs and the College's experience is not a traditional visit www.myfootpath.com which to begin searching for College yesterday.

2011年4月17日 星期日

How to find a job without your boss finding out.

It's quite normal for some people more job search, even if they are already one of the. In this age and time. This is a common behavior for both male and female. They do this purely to several advantages it used the same as for additional money. Working short hours. Purpose, and so on, however what they seem to overlook has several disadvantages that can bring to the job-related stress which can lead to many illnesses especially fatigue is just one of those disadvantages.

That is why some look better than their current one. They are not looking for additional work to increase their current one, but rather. Find something that will replace. The additional cost is more useful and provide an environment more healthy. However, because the intrinsic economic kanwik. Most employers simply don't have the best employees, just like that. They check their activities to ensure that they are not looking through the fence and see more tempting offer.

Create a separate email account.

In some companies do not have a program called which can enter the e-mail address should be the boss of you automatically in Eudora, Outlook and other e-mail applications, this can be pretty dangerous when you're looking for a new job. Without your current employer that is catching on.

There are several situations to a job hunters send their resume to the email address of their boss by mistake. What you can do is to create a separate email account. There are many email hosting Web sites that can provide the service, which is useful especially if you don't want to be one of them is the mentioned earlier. Create your personal account. You can also create a new e-mail address through various services Web-based e-mail-free. Of course you can use this email address for your job hunting.

Resume on the right.

The basic rule of hunting without your boss search Post your resume carefully. You may not know, but your boss may be surfing the Internet for websites that display multiple items. It may have problems if he or she bumps of your resume when he or she is looking for applicants for a job opening.

What you can do is. Search the Web site that allows you to maintain information about the contact details of you and your employer is confidential. A Web site that a resume without your contact information and other public references. In addition, other options are so you can block a name of your company just by inputting the current ending date for your current location. Remove a Search for websites that allow you to block certain companies from viewing your resume. This actually proves to be useful if you don't want the boss to know that you are looking for employment.

Be careful of that Office.

The other thing that you should be careful with the addition of additional devices. When you're looking for a job without let know your boss. You must not use any of the company computer system, telephone or other telecommunications for the hunting of your work. This is the sole reason that most companies use lock Internet and telephone.

What you can do it. Keep your resume and everything that can be associated with job confidential and from the place of the company. Store it at your home and save your personal computer.

Discretion is important.

Probably the most important and forget the rules in your job hunt confidential one to judgment. You should be careful who you say you are looking for employment. Gossip can spread like wildfire, you can't blame someone else. When you Search. To your boss, or if he or she heard it from the grapevine.

However, you can tell your family about your current situation. This can be useful for the sake of you because they can be your assistant and text for you while you're at work, just make sure you tell them to not tell anyone, especially your friends that you're looking for a new job.

Cruise Nikole holds executive positions that handle promotions Recruitment assessment and consultation with employees and applicants for the human resources Department of an international company. Outsourcing her guidance valuable for successfully finding and keeping jobs. Changing careers to climb stairs and operation experience http://wwwClimbTheLadder.com.

2011年4月16日 星期六

Add job search success with Self-Marketing strategic plan.

The rule of for the job. Much has changed in recent years. It is not enough to be testing for. The applicant understands that success in addition to "sell" them to get their "buy" and how to sell, they think that sounds crass comparisons to job skills and experience with consumer goods? It's not quite it properly reflects the reality of the current job market.

Position yourself to get noticed in a crowded job market.

The current job market is far more than employers for one to have for the average nganphran. An employer may receive your resume in response to a single ad. The employer also has cherry picked the candidates. Education and skills that are looking for work, so how are you getting noticed in a crowded job market Self-marketing strategic plan to position in the highest risk and increase your success Search.. Even in highly competitive markets.

Think about the last time you walked into a grocery store. Top name brand with a large budget used eye level shelves. Brands restaurant is located right next to them with a label that declares that is comparable with the brand of your favourite. In the lower level you will find brands you negotiate.

Top brand that commands top dollar, or general store brand, which promise to do everything not brand, but for how much or brand discounts unknown easily unnoticed.

Before you respond. Consider the quality of your marketing efforts currently in employment of you and how you present yourself to potential employers. In your resume and during interviews, Well-constructed, well-executed plan will position you can get a notice from a potential employer. National brands like those used in the best position on the floor of the grocery store. The strategic plan of the self-marketing, you should import the account all sides of the find - From the strategy used for the information included in the cover lettercareer and other job search. Marketing documents Use the offense in for work can help you avoid many of the jobs are found through:

For a long time job - Now averaging more than four months of endless hours pouring into an efficient way. Minimally job time waste operations that do not fit well. Aimless job , minimal results.

Orion General favor a path of least resistance. Countless hours at the Tourist Board online and newspaper advertisements, replying with the likelihood that justice is a common theme for job hunters found disappointment. Unfortunately, these methods need for. is not the way that employers prefer to hire. The employer must find a new employee is the same whether we as consumers will look for a plumber dentist real estate agent or the Salon: through pass.

Self-marketing plans strategic success will determine how employers prefer to hire applicants only history. Your industry and your personal situation, it will typically use strategies Search. hybrid instead of a single method. This mixture should allow you to tap into both publish and publish market-available capital can be found.

Tap into the job market unpublished

But how was I supposed to use them if they are not published or not.

Fair question, you need to tap into your current network and work to expand your network. It requires effort and a willingness to keep yourself out there, many are rules out networking because it's takes them out of their comfort zone they quickly. Reference when others make us feel vulnerable and there is fear of rejection, so why should we step outside of your comfort zone and engage in networking because some figures put the percentage of work that has been filled by never publishing high as 80%

Hiring a new employee represents investment as substantial for the employer. The employer must guarantee some use that investors will be better in addition to rent through networking and referrals, to subscribe to high-quality job because the employer to hire through networking and referrals. It is important that job networking into their plans, self-marketing strategic.

It is just as important in creating a brand strong private. Your brand is a personal image that corresponding distinctly you, it creates a perceived value and separate you from your competitors that you consciously create a personal brand? You have one. It is generally your reputation with your coworkers, clients, bosses, teachers working to create a consistent professional that is authentically and attractive employer.

Networking with kindness and a continuous process of creating a brand strong private can improve success in job . Networking and personal branding can be:

Catapult you to the status of a name brand that first came to mind when we have a headache. Get a cold or require new sneakers, the employer may be aware of you and want to work with you to you on a short list before it is ready for the job.
Increase success in job by creating strategic plans and self-marketing self-marketing strategic plan that includes the brands strong private. To learn more about creating your self-marketing plans strategic SavvyJobseeker.com [http://savvyjobseeker.com/goodie-bag/] to visit and download an abstract of a professional guide and workbook Jobseeker work: five steps to success just up..

Roxanne Ravenel is a job search coach author professional Jobseeker workbook and guide and host of the Podcast, she taught alignment specialist Jobseeker work how to prepare to succeed in interviews and use a custom self-marketing visit http://SavvyJobseeker.com at to learn more Copyright c 2008 Roxanne Ravenel.

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2011年4月15日 星期五

Job search-how and what you want to accomplish.

Nobody owes you. If you're good, you need to get up and go after what you want. Your energy costs and the time (although a little you have, how much you pay to estimate what your monthly small inconsequential). I'd add more. Most are expected to be easy to find. Simple and quick, and when things are how they give. Too often quickly.

Moral here is that although you may be unemployed, you still have to get jobs with career: yourself, you must enter all you have to make good use of imagination. Thought and focus. It means that you must confirm that they apply the skills you will receive. The seminar participants read relevant books You know what you need and want are ready to do it?

Job Fundamentals

The text in the first paragraph is the first of the three fundamentals of. Job No. 2: job-hunting success is directly proportional to the number of attempts. The more you try job-hunting intelligent The more you will find the location that you want, and too quickly.

Although it is resume/job changer then you need to schedule and complete timed consistently chase your search. No. 3: job-hunting success must be willing to change tactics. If something is not working. Move to another strategy, but you have search strategy? This applies to everyone in the market.

The first point in the search as assessments to job you need to build skills in the following areas: analysis skills job search. Formulation strategies and career goals. Identifying successful careers Writing a winning Resume/C.V in games and applications, mail, interviewing, job interviews and follow-up. Work ability test.

If you do not have good skill enough for a job it all, you can acquire: read books, attend seminars relevant. Getting help-from friends, family members, professional mentors and consultants out.. Professional Resume writer/C.V, etc.


The fly in your mind to make sure. "With or without You're on your way to uncovering market. The next step is to analyze the environment and business. An opportunity in education/training, agricultural accounts/banking/insurance, financial. Production service Government healthcare organization people social/social/Professional. Oil/gas, media/publishing sectors of the economy all that you need to do is to develop a special interest in specific markets/private storage contract and the potential of a good job for you (we will explain how to further your career options in the future).

Organizing for the campaign.

Get organized now out.. The starting point is the skills analysis skills as the basis of job.. Employers are looking for some skill and practice to those people that your skills meet the requirements of the employer are 3 types of specific skills. Take care yourself and skills that can transfer. In addition, you need to put together an arsenal of success are quite long working history highlights their professional work, you need to understand your strength (s), weaknesses (es), her interests and potentials to do with your life. All your life?

Now you will create a list of employers that may occur according to your chosen objective. The required information may be obtained from the friend relationships, consultant, vendor. Newspapers, trade journals, etc. When you have made your selection after them-meaning that the use of conventional and unconventional.

Transport strategy.

If you intend to pursue these opportunities? Job hunting strategy is what let me tell you what works, or what we start with the least chance of work.

5 strategies to up. Not most of these are:

1. the Internet accounts for your C.V/Resume on the Internet and expect that the employer may visit Board Web site and choose depending on the match between your skills and their needs. Have a success rate of 4-10%

2. send mail out CV work history with the employer at random (Resume blasting) 7% rate of success.

3. accept advertising in the journal, professional/trade 7% rate of success.

4. responding to newspaper ads 5-24% success rate. Higher salary/position at rates lower than

5. use employment success rate 5-28%. Higher salary/position at rates lower than

At this time. Best 5 ways to find a job:

I. request support from family, friends, people you know, etc-"do you know of any place where you work, or elsewhere? The success rate of 33%

Ii. goal beat the lung of the employer of any factory, office, whether they are known to be empty? 47% success rate.

Iii. Enter subject/field of interest. Specify the employer on the field and call to ask if they want to hire for the position of these contributions, and you know you can do good 69% success rate.

Iv. place above in the Orion group other 76% success rate.

V. make life-changing job (specify skills, location, interest and proffered environment, and after that you desire) 86% Success rate

You had me there are better ways: combining strategies (expert directed shouldn't more than 4).

In fact, to never to forget: the main difference between being successful and not successful is not certain factors or ' barriers ' previously shown is how they go about their job search. Job Success requires perseverance and organization. Don't think of myself as there do you have a full-time job. If you are thinking of employment job is temporarily. If you're not busy working hours 8-5 is available for job. If you are employed, but looking for new opportunities, you need to take to joband inconsistencies.

Job To give you a new set of development priorities and schedules. Please note that there will be meditation almost sound better than finding a job. Don't be fooled Priority number one is for a new job. Don't let anything get in your way. Here are some tips:

1. create a target that can be measured.
2. make your own responsibility.
3. keep accurate records.

Your destiny is in your hands. Now you know

Lead counsel is Olu Oyeniran EkiniConsult and Associates find job and career management consultant. He has written more than consult and consel for 8 years in Nigeria in the job search skills and strategies. He invites you http://www.jobsearchhow.com access where he publishing.

JobSearchHow aims to engage to fulfill dreams of a better and more professional.

5 tips to use when searching

There are in every life when you need to find a job may be the first computer. A change in your career, or may be caused by redundancy, all very different, but you can use this very simple process to help you in your search.

1. job boards:

There are hundreds of job boards to select from by industry or job description when you have decided that the Bank of the task you want to use, and need to start your search. This needs to be broken down into step by step: Firstly. Read job board for working to make sure you are clear and can understand how the service works, and what is offered to you next. Click on the find part of the job board that allows you to enter your criteria at this stage to recommend search as broad as possible, can you recommend some depth of meaning that's fine with the wide selection depending on the results. This search can be limited by, for example, industry, geography, and salaries. When using keywords that are very necessary when entering search criteria search engines some Boolean logic, this search involves using commands such as ' and ' no ' or ' between keywords.

2. the Commission:
Many job placement of their faith in the Commission because of the extensive knowledge of the market. To help you to understand. The market here are some reasons people contact recruiters: Recruiter site-these belong to the recruiter and used to attract all the clients (companies that want to hire you) and applicants (you-job seeker) they often contain details of the current where you may be able to use online Recruiter that lists contact information for the offices of the company and provide information about the type of candidate that they want to attract. Broker negotiations are trained and skilled in the art of a good Recruiter talks about meeting face to face and should be to come to each other to decide which combine the requirements of both parties.

3. Networking:

This method is most challenging for many people because the myth that it is the benefit of friends. Colleagues and family far from the truth. To speak with someone in this context, as long as you manage each method in the right.

This informal opportunities: find the job that you wouldn't otherwise see-the transit is an important part of networking. What is the reference. A reference to the introduction of new network system Introduction of these increase the size of your network and increase your chances of success. You must practice your interview skills. If you get a chance to talk to people who have more experience, it might be appropriate for you to ask the advice of his or her career. Sometimes people like to "give advice" someone less experienced "tell people about your skills more than people know."-the property and your skills, you have an opportunity as possible to find more opportunities.
4. direct method:

How to direct a company or organization as an efficient way to open a new avenue in your search. Direct contact should be part of your overall strategy. Should have some logic about your goal easy to understand. The text should be coherent and cogent receiver of your methods must be in doubt to why you're writing to them. How should you reach for them? Your method must have both affected and why.

This is an important issue that should be set to 4 page in how to: target-you can choose your targets in a variety of ways. In the campaign. You might be interested in as root and/specific sector or industry, or that particular geographical area. You can then write to each individual company. Aims -Your aims? In short, you want to secure an appointment with the "decision". Some have the responsibility to recruit. Long-term goal might be routine or consulting or temporary work, perhaps, but the first step is to try and get an appointment that work hard just because the company could use your skills. Does not mean? They are not required in the future. The situation and the requirements change rapidly. Always closely with companies that have used earlier, you (or your resume) to the Commission communication, nurture it. When you write to the company and will reply to you there is a line of communication. Do not put put the ball back in their court, even if you have failed. You can respond to delete mail with a positive response. This is especially important after the interview.
5. ad position

Before applying for a vacancy is important to read the job descriptions to ensure you feel confident that you do. Some signs to look for can help you decide this looking for contact information. These should be quite complete including name, company, or recruiter contact method such as telephone, e-mail or postal address is also important to look for a job description that vague and position. View the ads and send my letter with your CV. Select the requirements only in ads and briefly met with individual needs, something you can do-quantified if possible. Bear in mind that people will actually get a presentation may not have all the properties are often overstated, so if you are confident. You can manage and respond to at least 75% of the forward and applies when you have found. Where appropriate, that you want to use for you need to reply to these adverts make sure you keep a record of your application, all that you have applied for on the Internet so you can track. Like that will appear if you use the traditional free.
6. Career Management:

Professional management that involves working on the basis of one with a professional consultant. To study, evaluate, and exercises the purpose of this process are very detailed for you to check the different career options that are available. The marketing tool (includes history) Put together, you will need to learn of job search.

Professional management can help you understand how to do the job market. Networking and access to important positions as unadvertised if you try to change occupations or sectors.

Carl Yorke as sales manager and recruited experienced managers and sales professionals within organizations and the Internet http://www.theinterviewhandbook.com host-aiming instructions actually in practice on the topic, how to improve your interview skills a lot, Resume. Motivational tips and techniques.

2011年4月14日 星期四

395 nM 51 UV Ultraviolet LED flashlight Blacklight 3 AA, 7202UV395

395 nM 51 UV Ultraviolet LED flashlight Blacklight 3 AA, 7202UV395This large uv flashlight with 51 uv LEDs allows you to cover a much bigger area without losing the intensity of the UV light. The applications is perfect for inspection applications, security control, rodent contamination, hotel room inspection, and much more.

Emits 395 nanometer wavelength
51 UV LED allow to cover a larger area
Makes semen stains and other bodily fluids fluoresce!
Perfect for outside use such as hunting scorpions and minerals!
Water and shock resistant!
Perfect for Leak Detection!
Rugged, machined aluminum construction with knurled design!

Due to the intensity of this UV LED device UV protective glasses are recommended. Do not look into this device while operating nor shine in any person's eyes.


Bulb Type: 390 to 395 (nM)
Bulb Life: 100,000 Hours
Body Material: Aluminum with "O" rings for water resistance
Battery Require: 3 x AA Alkaline Battery (Not Included)
Battery Life: Approximately 20 hours on 3 AA batteries
Switch Type: Push On/Off button
Weight: 10 oz. 285 gram (with batteries)
Head Diameter: 2.25" or 57 mm
Body Diameter: 1.42" or 36 mm
Length: 5.80" or 147 mm


Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年4月13日 星期三

The suspected mass grave in the Philippines, POW

MANILA (AFP)-Philippine workers on site swimming pool came on the mass grave, containing 14 skeletons are prisoners of war from the Japanese occupation during World War II, police said Sunday.

The police cordon in the area of the town of Nasugbu, about three hours ' drive south of the capital city of Manila, shortly after workers discovered the remains of Friday.

"Further investigations disclosed that the site was the former crew of the Japanese during the second world war, and the people there believed that the restored skeletal remains are victims of war," he said in a statement, the police.

The forensic investigation was carried out to determine the nationalities of the victims, although it is believed that the Filipinos, the police said.

The Philippines, a former US colony, fell to the control of the Japanese in 1942 during the second world war and the occupation of the three years he is considered one of the darkest period in the history of the country.

Thousands of Filipino and American soldiers died during the occupation, many of them starved to death in the Japanese garrisons across the country, said historians.

Finally, US General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander of allied forces in the Southwest Pacific, returned to take control of large parts of the Philippines, when Japan formally surrendered in 1945.

View the original article here

New year honours: Equestrian doctor casualties of war

31 December 2010, last updated at 00: 30 Keith Porter Professor GMT: "this came as a complete surprise and I'm very proud," doctor responsible for treatment of wounded soldiers flown in from Afghanistan and Iraq and received a knighthood in the new year honours.

Professor Keith Porter, "Royal Centre for defence medicine" "" in Birmingham, "" deeply honoured to be recognised.

Professor Robin Murray, an expert in schizophrenia, is also knayetid.

As well as GPS, nurses, occupational therapists from around the United Kingdom, along with a number of Heads of national health service.

Equestrian Professor Porter, services for the armed forces, a recognition of the improved care of wounded soldiers in the past 10 years.

Critical care

Consultant in Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital and clinical professor in the United Kingdom's only trauma, Professor Porter leads a complex battle injuries.

His work led to survival rates are better and quicker recovery for those injured.

He said: "I have the honour to submit the service are set high and their full participation in caring for wounded soldiers.

"I am proud of the efforts of the armed forces and NHS teams that work-part of the excellent results for patients who had previously not seen injuries".

The Professor Porter, 61, it addresses work carried out in military patients that bear any comparison with regular injuries.

"We are witnessing multiple injuries from firearms and explosives requiring many operations and critical care.

But the Outlook for many patients, he says, much better.

Professor Porter "in Birmingham and there are cases of patients surviving when it wasn't before three years".

Participated in caring for the sick in the first "Gulf war", and recognizes that military care, injury to dump and rehabilitation, has improved dramatically.

"Our patients come here now, about bostingori 36 hours, always in the best case possible physiological could be".


Murray receives Robin, Professor of Psychiatry at Kings ' College London "for his research in equestrian schizophrenia.

Based at the Institute of Psychiatry, Murray Professor has done much to combat the stigma of mental illness.

Professor Lewis Ritchie, honorary consultant in public health, receives knighthood for services to the NHS in Scotland.

Also, with equestrian honored for health care services, is CEO of men and St. Thomas NHS Foundation Trust, Ronald Kerr.

Dr. Brian Patterson, "the British Medical Association in Northern Ireland, OBE in new year honours for services to health care.

He praised Dr. Paul House, President of the Bahrain Monetary Agency in Northern Ireland.

He said: "the contribution of health service Brian Patterson in Northern Ireland were enormous, through each GP for more than 30 years and his dedication to Bahrain Monetary Agency.

View the original article here

2011年4月12日 星期二

Find jobs by using the Web site social-network using Web job sites.

When you're looking for. How is the most popular and easiest to perhaps be able to do this is to? Use the job after all is just a matter of copying and pasting your resume, and then click Send. When you resume your job board in the Forum will become fair game for employers and recruiters to review your resume. Though really not considered networking as the main course, a popular and effective job search.

Become part of the social Web experience has also garnered some traction in how people obtain employment these days with more and more use Facebook way employee background checks may be the most to see a resume of the candidate might occur there LinkedIn which is a good website that gives you a way to create a network of experts with local industry.

Some people are dedicated to creating a blog is a website of their own candidates that have a specific virtual demonstrations of skill. Talents project, and work history of the course. This site may be the employer can download CVS. But some want to make contact via email to build relationships with employers. Typically, people who have a Web site that contains a resume of them can be easily posted to accounts linked to their Web site at any time by visiting your favorite forum, blog or other social media outlet to stretch arm job their.

In the market and economy were sometimes practice at best to get noticed and get to know is likely to appear in a circle, the more you social media is the digital revolution for every person that they are too tired or very simple tools than to follow the steps that the small can increase social presence. Not all. All the ways to get terminated, but it increases the asset value of the arsenal of networking tools.

Marcus Anderson is founder of Websumes.NET http://www.websumes.net is a free service that creates a fully designed and set up job website available for users who need a simple but effective means of sales experience and skills. Also, be sure to check the http://www.websumeblog.com WebsumeBlog for updates and induction are how to use Websumes.NET for your benefit.

Find a job is Easier with NRS staff of the site for a new job

NRS staff is a doubling of the number of current employees. South Florida job hunters can skip pounding pavement in favour of applying online. All jobs open now be posted in the recently launched website, http://www.movingjobsusa.com

Margate, FL (PRWEB) March 25, 2011.

Looks like South Florida job market is finally picking up again, all thanks to NRS staff (NRS). The largest residential and commercial brokerage in the United States, is currently seeking to fill more than 100 open positions in rapidly expanding corporate environment. With the unemployment rate just above the State average for the country of employment opportunities does not come at a better South Florida job seekers.

NRS staff not just to move more convenient to thousands of Americans across the country, they also facilitate the process of the draft annex. Candidates may submit their cover letters, resumes and references to the new website, http://www.movingjobsusa.com. The site was made exclusively for all openings in the NRS, as potential candidates the opportunity to review the open positions, upload resumes and cover letters and completing the online application. Unlike other sites, employment http://www.movingjobsusa.com, stores information about renewal of consumers, private and for future open file.

"This is an exciting time for us of NRS staff," said Aldo DiSorbo, founder of NRS staff. "We just moved into a beautiful new building, and we are now looking to double our personnel with the members of the team of talented."

DiSorbo has operated in the area of South Florida for more than a decade and has successfully kept moving companies in the upper part of the production of mobile since then. After months of extensive planning and research last year dedicated corporate offices from DiSorbo Fort Lauderdale, Florida for-predisposing Margate great campus, due to the expansion of the company. Additional space in Margate requires 150 fresh persons, which will increase the number of staff in the NRS to just over 300.

"Before the http://www.movingjobsusa.com, our front office is overloaded with the candidates," says DiSorbo. "Now, with the convenience of the new site, you can apply online without seamlessly to fight traffic."

# # #

Maria Bottone
NRS staff
(954) 772-1610
Information on e-mail

View the original article here