2011年4月30日 星期六

Panel examines military occupation

Harvard College, a progressive Jewish Alliance and j Street at the Harvard-on campus political groups, in promoting peace and security in Israel--hosted a panel last night featuring four American and Israeli soldiers in a discussion of military occupation and its impact.

Held at Harvard Hillel, included a panel On ' aman, Oded and Simcha Levental from broke the silence, the Organization of veterans with experience in Israel of the occupied territories, as well as Joczovym Blaine and now the Iraq veterans against the war, Goodnight.

After a five-minute video showing the daily operations of the Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint in the West Bank into an hour-long interview speakers, moderated by Zara b. Bohan, Harvard graduate student in the Middle East Studies works with J Street U.

"I joined the army, it would be me, but I found out that serving on the Western Shore is actually the opposite of who I am," he said to ' aman, which is also a graduate student at Harvard in philosophy.

All of the speakers focused on the differences between public perceptions of military involvement and the harsh reality of any occupation.

"People really don't know what we're doing here," said Levental. "Through our personal story and brings to the Israeli and the American public, we can go back to our true values and values on which we founded."

"Focus only on security, Israel is to give up a large part of what is a good place," he said to ' aman. "We've lost as the military culture of our humanity."

The discussion also highlighted the ways in which the occupying military power tend to dehumanize their enemies in the conflict.

"In the profession, there is inequality of power, both sides plunge into fear," he said, good night. "Things are desperate and the first thing you lose when it's a desperate is your humanity."

Blaine echoed good night when its service experience.

"[There 's] a deliberate effort, even from basic training to dehumanize the enemy," said Blaine. "It was a system designed to stop us."

Speakers also affects the permanent consequences of their participation in the army.

"You get the feeling that it is an order to civilian life," he said to ' aman. "Lose the sense of law and the law that may have authority over you."

Approximately 75 people turned out for the event audience mainly consisting of Cambridge residents and graduate students.

"I learned a lot from watching their reaction," said James d. Reich, Harvard Ph.d. student and member of the j Street at Harvard. "It was a really emotional and insightful event."

View the original article here

