2011年4月10日 星期日

Find job-success is not a secret.

When you specify a job that interests you. Have other questions that you need to answer before you try to write a Resume/CV and your cover letter? They all revolve around the principles of knowledge

You need to start with attitude. You must have the skills necessary to work. You must have the knowledge to get a job in a way, and how to highlight the results of these three "must haves" ASK form abbreviations.

A presentation that you are interested in are all about knowledge. Know yourself, know how to access. To use the system at the heart of success If you want. To succeed, and then follow the step by step, this simple.

Know yourself, many people don't know how to market the product being sold. Products with you as who you do what you have done in the past, whether you do or not, your strengths, what are your weaknesses? Contains many tools for identifying these strengths to find from Gallup or simply visit your book in a store, select one that fits you. The easiest way to is to. Look back in your career, to specify the role you are really good that you enjoy your role and ask yourself that you are apply for successfully marries these material needs two.

Be familiar with the work you are going is important, it never ceases to amaze me that people tend to turn up for interviews, and do not know the requirements of the job, they will be interviewed, you can't expect to be successful if you didn't go to the trouble to find your specific needs. Make a call to the company and ask for detailed job description before you start your application.

Note that it may seem obvious, but many people do not check out a company before applying for a job. Information can often get on the Internet or from the annual report. In addition, you can try to talk with people working for companies or former employees are the employer fair it didn't reward innovation and hard work? Do not treat all employees equally. There is scope for career growth within the company as a successful company?

Learn how to analyse the job advertisement An analysis of the requirements specification, advertisement, or you should question the Basic 6:
* What is specifically stated or not.
* What is implied by the specified?
* What is not specified or not.
* What is implied, not stated or not.
* What skills you have.
* Would match the questions that are asked for.

Learn how to write winning letters The purpose of the letter of what applications are to get companies to read your Resume/CV. Letter of application should contain a confirmation that you have the necessary skills and attributes all of the characters exist in advertising and or job description.

Learn how to fill out the application form The purpose of the form? the receiving company to call you for an interview. Fill all the boxes and do not leave any space if the question is not relevant, just enter in the n/A.

Learn how to write your RESUME/CV The purpose of your CV or Resume is what is getting the company to call you for an interview. Therefore, resume/CV you must attribute matches what is advertising and/or what is included in the job description, which means that you must write only CV/resume. For every job you apply for a performance in the past is to measure the performance of future trends, so a resume/CV's must be in the past, and contains a set of commands executed successfully. For example, developing a unique system that increase sales, 10%

Third, at the top of any page on the resume/CV, your profile should contain specific role the company's environment. Your personality and set of skills that need highlighting the success of any relevant. If you match your Resume/CV for the task, and then you almost certainly called for interview.

Know the PRE-INTERVIEW checklist can be mine to interview, but if you know you're going to get ahead becomes easy to score points. An analysis of needs, requirements, tasks, and write down all the questions that you may receive, for example, you are often asked: "why do you need to do this and what can you get this position?" or "description you have increased sales by 10% and help you develop it?" not to know the answers to these questions helps guarantee failure. Make sure to include a personal. Character-specific skills, work experience and successful import question. Your motivation for implementation to consider, and have a clear answer to that is ready for shipment.

Know how to do/sell yourself at an interview about the performance of your interview preparation beforehand, you directly. Test questions and answers If you remove for audition you must learn your lines. So just learn lines for interviews.

Big question is "is the purpose of the interview, what" most people think will work, but this is not valid. The purpose of the interview that will be offered this job is important to remember. You have decided to not work until you get what you offer to negotiate until you get the proposal therefore salaries aren't relevant until such time, you receive an offer of a position.

Know POST-INTERVIEW checklist after interview Is important to evaluate your performance. An example of a good quality of I? They are structured, S.T.A.R.R.S. situations, tasks performed for summary did I communicate clearly? The question is not answered to the best of your ability to do my job? Never had any questions I can answer, or you feel uncomfortable about me is relaxed? Questions to ask if I did not add or not. Chantharapkrabuan to next, or do not sit down quietly not long after the interview and note your answers to these questions.

Learn how to adjust for the interview. Any mistakes you make should be obvious from the list of your post-interview perform actions in the areas where you may also perform better. There may be something that you need to know about the company? There may be something that you find difficult to answer questions about yourself. There may be something in your resume/CV that didn't write better Practise makes perfect. However, it also provides permanent to ensure you of things right.

Finally, all excellent actors know their lines and they place by putting yourself in the role in advance of the start.

Recognizes top tips 7 to move forward.
Tip 1 for interviews. Practice practice practice know questions and know your answer. Audio only options for the section.

Tip 2 there are three basic knowledge about yourself. Company do? Ask questions before the interview.

Tip 3 ignore the title of the position and see the skill sets needed for the position.

Tips 4 covering your letter should specifically indicate that you have the exact skills and character traits that are looking for and then ask for the interview.

5 tips to read all instructions first Xerography form and practice filling out the application instructions

6 tips for resumes/CV's should contain achievements that meet the requirements in the job description that past mix should be only 1 or 2 pages.

Tip 7, third at the top of any page on the resume/CV, your profile should include identifying the role the company's environment. Your personality and skill set that is required by any success concerning specifically highlighted.

Author Kevin Kinahan has more than 20 years experience in outplacement of redundancy than 10000 people and 500 companies can insure the success of his trainer Kevin with NLP, time line therapy qualified hypnosis and therapy field thought from the American Board and has served as a coach of life and appropriate career Kevin was able to make recommendations that cover to search and secure your dream job http://wwwSecureYourDreamJob.com.

