2011年6月21日 星期二

The Job Hunt - Don't Let it Bring You Down

Hunting for a job can be a job in itself. It involves waking up early, flipping through the newspaper or scanning down the computer screen taking notes on all possible jobs. And then getting out there to grab one. The truth is, after the natural high is gone which usually happens after the first week or so, then looking for a job can get depressing. There are things that you can do to cheer yourself up and get the job that you're after.

When someone looses a job or quits because they just can't take it anymore, there is often a feeling of something surreal that happens afterward. For those that quit, there is a sigh of relief and the hope that they did the right thing and that a new job is just around the corner. For those that lost their jobs, they might at first have been upset but tried to overcome those feelings with the passion that comes from looking for a new job.

That initial feeling that there could be a better job out there with better pay and a nicer location is often the thing to get them through the first few days. But when the days turn into weeks and months even, then that natural high can turn into a depressing low. The trick is to bounce out of it, so you can get on to getting a job.

The first thing to do is to sit down and have a heart to heart with yourself. Is there a career that you always wanted but just didn't pursue? Maybe you always wanted to drive trucks or open your own painting company. Think about those dreams and think about ways to make it happen. Can you afford to go back to school or start up your own business? Can you afford to try part-time at least? Use all options available so you can make it happen. Perhaps moving in with family or maybe even selling a second car to get the funds, but looking at all possible ideas might be just the thing to get started.

If a career change is not what you desire and you just want a job just like the one you had or similar then there are a few things you can do as well. The first thing you can do is think about how you can update yourself. Are there any classes or skills you could learn to help your chances of getting a job? What kind of qualifications do other people have that are going to the same job interviews as you? You could take a course part-time while you still job hunt. Employers also like to see volunteer work on resumes, so now may be just the time to pursue those options as well.

When you feel that you have what it takes, then spend some time and money on a new resume. You can either pay to have someone do it for you professionally or you can do it yourself. As long as it looks professional. You can also look online for some resume writing tips. And while you're checking that out, look up some ideas for interview tips. There will be lots of tips out there to help you ace your job interview.

Send your resume everywhere, even to places that you feel you are under qualified for. All it takes is for that one person to notice and give you a chance at an interview. Also remember to send your resume to a job recruitment centers, they can help you grab something quick and get your foot in the door for an interview. Some job centers even provide basic computer training.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

