2011年6月18日 星期六

Job Hunting Best Story

Job hunting best story is similar to the sales profession. Most times It's who can win with the best story. Allot of times unless your boss was friends with the hiring manager, or had some embarrassing pictures of the President, they more than likely got their position from telling a great story..

Here's a great story, I know you probably heard it before, about two men out hunting . While in the jungle they happen upon a man-eating tiger that has not eaten for days. The startled hunters take off running with the tiger right on their heels. Between breathes, one hunter says to the other. "We can't out run this tiger." The other hunter replies, "I'm not worried about out running the tiger; I just have to make sure I outrun you."

Most times the hiring manager will have a stack of resumes and cover letters that he'll receive from just one ad. I'm sure allot will have better qualifications or more experience than you. You need to make sure your resume and cover letter shows your experience and strengths better than the other guy. And if you follow the ideas in this article, they will end your career search.

My credentials are better but they got the job. How did they do it? The answer is simple: They did their "homework" ahead of time. They put a little effort into the job-hunting process. Making all the pieces of their job hunting process look and feel the same with a similar style. Not only did their cover letter, resume, interview, thank you letters, and negotiating have the same style, it was the style the company was looking for. As a matter of fact, this makes the hiring company feel good to land such a fine prospect!

What does it mean to have the "best story"?

Let me define "story". The best story basically means that to the employer, you have "What it takes". A great story evolves from a well thought out job hunting system where all pieces of the "campaign" are closely aligned. You need thought, logic, study and of course practice. This is something that constantly shows up in anything and everything you write or say.

Creating a great story takes time and it takes thought. Now I know trying to put together a cover letter and resume seems to be as much fun as a root canal. But it does help to organize all your important facts and achievements. This way you can really focus on your current career search criteria. This will give you confidence, make you feel proud and will help create your story.

You have to show the hiring manager that you have a great story. So during the screening process you have to have your act together and clearly show them what exactly you are looking for, what are your skills, your greatest accomplishments and whether or not you can you help solve their problems. All this has to be done within 30 seconds.

Do you have everyone trying to help you with their "expert" advice,and you feel like shouting "just leave me alone"

Let me show you a breakthrough system that reveals amazing secrets that almost guarantees you job security.

I'd like to introduce you to Jason Adams he is the President of Street Smart Sales and Marketing and author of the highly acclaimed book The StreetSmart Job-Changing System.

For more information visit my blog at: http://www.careermorph.blogspot.com

Look under "recommended links".

Michael Sullivan "Careermorph"
Write articles at the successful blog

