2011年6月11日 星期六

Myths And Misconceptions About Job Hunting

In order to conduct an effective job search, you have to know what you are looking for, why you are looking and how to go about it. There are a few common myths and misconceptions to be aware of so your job hunt stays on the right path.

o After college, jobs come easily: You should never expect that you will get job offers immediately after you graduate. It will take time for you to find a good job. The fact is that some people will be lucky while others will have to wait longer. You need to have patience - on average, finding a suitable job takes 3-4 months. Don't waste your time simply waiting. Until you find a good job, try working in a smaller one, at least part-time. It may not pay you as much, but it will at least keep you occupied.

o Putting your resume on the Internet means more offers: This is not always true. Think about what recruiters must be going through. They get more than a hundred resumes everyday, and it is definitely not possible for them to consider each and every one of them. The best advice here is to personalize your resume to meet the requirements of each job that you apply to.

o Classified ads make up the majority of job openings: Agreed - ads in the newspapers and on the Internet do make up a good deal of job openings, but not all of them. The jobs that offer a big position and a huge salary are usually not advertised everywhere. This calls for some savvy networking. Try to approach companies even if there is no opening advertised, and don't forget to leave your resume with them. If there is an opening, be being proactive, you may receive a call for an interview.

o Job-hopping is bad: This is a very popular misconception that everyone seems to believe. Though this used to be a fact some years ago, but now the mindset of the average employer has changed. Changing jobs frequently was once viewed as instability in character. But now it is okay to change your job after a year, as this now indicates your ambition to learn and advance in your career.

o If you're over 50, it's over: This issue can never pose as a problem as long as you have the proper education, relevant experience and the right attitude. Having the right attitude means being open to new ideas, team spirit and contributing to the company.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions - Six Sigma Online (http://www.sixsigmaonline.org) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

